In the August 7 update on Korea’s servers, Equipment, runestone, Hadum weapons were added.
Hadum Equipment
Added the ability to get new equipment Hadum. Equipment is mined in Hadum locations with a low chance. At the moment, you can get the Primary and Secondary weapons of mythic and Abuss rank, Armor and runestone.
Craft equipment Hadum
Hadum weapon crafting is also available. To do this, you will need the Stone and the fragments of Hadum. The method of extraction of fragments is being specified. If anyone found write in the comments.
Hadum Equipment Upgrade
To upgrade to +40, ordinary Black Gems are used. After 40, only new breakthrough stones are used. New breakthrough stones are made in the Personal Fort from special stone fragments. The method of extraction of fragments is being specified. If anyone found write in the comments.
Improved Abyss Equipment
Changed the characteristics of improved Abyss equipment, as well as changed the icon.
Hadum crystals
In the Personal Fort, the opportunity has appeared to create Hadum Crystals. For crafting you will need 15 Abyss crystals, fragments, 1 Empty crystal which can be purchased from the Hadum merchant for 25,000 coins, spheres and 1kk silver.
Hadum crystals cannot be removed with pearls, only removed.
Black Sun
Changed the time of the appearance of the Black Sun, now it will appear on certain days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
Hadum Equipment Bonus
Added a new type of bonus when wearing Hadum equipment
Black spirit
Changed the interface of the Black Spirit. Added Hadum equipment upgrade button.
Improved rewards from Guild bosses. Increased the number of black stones in repeatable location quests. Increased the chance of Stones falling in Ancient Ruins, and also added to the reward of a pet of Ancient Ruins.