In the update on June 27, we added a development system, added new features when auto hunting, and also changed the Nightmare zone.
Development system
Added a new development system. The development system is divided into 4 categories, 2 tabs are open at first, to open the remaining tabs, you need to go through the first 2 to 40%

Having opened one of the tabs, you see a chain of tasks, having executed which you will advance further. There is a reward for each task..

Automatic hunting
Now to the automatic hunt added another visit to the personal fort. You can safely leave the character to hunt and at the same time take care of the Personal Fort, the workers.
Nightmare Event
Until July 2, a powerful monster from which epic equipment is falling appears in the Nightmare.

Arena 3x3
For convenience, we replaced the images on the mini map of useful buffs..

The path of glory - go to the 5th of July until the 4th of July The path of glory and you will receive an award.

Ancient ruins - pass every day until July 4th Ancient ruins 20 times and get a reward

Daily bonus - go into the game and get a reward.