Tonight it took the update. A new event, a new growth system, a menu of return points were added.

New growth system.

A new growth system has been added. Depending on sharpening your gear you get certain bonuses. When sharpening armor above 21(sharpening of all subjects must be above 21) the character starts to get some bonuses.

Новая система роста броня

The same thing happens when sharpening jewelry above +3. To get the bonus, all items must be +3 or higher, the grade of the item does not matter.

Новая система роста бижутерия

Update Play store.

Added the ability to change your appearance through a variety of hats.

Новые головные уборы

Added a return point menu. You save a point anywhere in the open world. After at any time you can go back there just by clicking on the previously saved point.

Меню точки возврата

Increased the drop rate of legendary and unique jewelry in the store Shikato. Weakened mobs in these zones as a Nightmare, the Land of valor, the Labyrinth of the ancients. Added a new extension level Personal Fort. Increased the number of cells in the warehouse.