In this guide we’ll take a closer look at the guild’s interface, the entry method and the build of the guild fort.

Create or Join a Guild.

To create or join a guild, click on the guild icon in the main menu. To create a guild, the character level must be above 20.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Then select the left item to create a guild, or the right one to search for a guild. To create a guild, you will need to select a coat of arms from the proposed options, pay a fee of 50,000 silver and enter the name of the future guild.

To join an existing guild, you need to leave an application for the desired guild, for this below enter the full name of the guild that you want to join. Or select any of the proposed list.

Guild interface

Consider the first Info tab in the guild interface.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile
  • 1. On the left you can get basic information about the guild, Coat of arms, name, level, name of the guild leader, number of guild members and guild fund.
  • 2. Below are two buttons, Chech in and Leave Guild / Manage Guild. With the help of the Manage Guild, the guild leader can control the guild settings or disband it.
  • 3. Quest Points - displays the number of available guild points that can be exchanged for scrolls of guild boss.
  • 4. Information about the available nodes.
  • 5. Guild wars and information about them. Guild wars are not available at the start of the game.
  • 6. A welcome announcement that the guild leader can edit.
  • 7. Entrance to Guild Fort.

In the second tab, Members is a list of all members of the guild, their level, CP, contribution to the guild and the time when they last entered the game.

In addition, in this tab you can find a list of people wishing to join the guild and a list of recruits. The list of new ones is formed by the leader of the guild, with an increase in the level of the guild, the number of new ones can be increased. Each player can reward a newcomer with a positive buff on EXP, any player except for characters who have reached level 55 and a leader can become a newcomer.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

In the third tab Quests, you can find a list of quests, as well in this tab the guild leader can exchange guild points for boss call stones. Passing guild quests, each player contributes to the development of the guild. Up to 3 quests are available every day.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

In the fourth tab, you can spend Guild Mileage on special guild quests. At the time of writing, the guide is new content that is likely to be changed.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

In the Guild Skills tab, any member of the guild can familiarize themselves with the list of guild skills and their level. The guild leader can use the guild currency to improve skills. Skills exist peaceful, combat, and those that act only on a siege.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Using the last tab, you can find any other guild and find out basic information about it.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Guild Fort

You can get into the fort using the guild interface. Consider the structure in more detail.

The first building is Monument. With the help of this building you can find out about the collected tax from the captured nodes.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

The second building is Armory. The building’s interface becomes available during the siege preparations. It is possible to build siege weapons that will be used during the siege.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Den - In this building elephants are hired to siege nodes and ogres to siege territory.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Siege Gateway is the main building for participating in sieges. We’ll look at sieges in more detail in a separate guide. An ordinary guild member can use this building to upgrade siege structures and enter the battlefield during a siege.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile

Guild Expedition - With this building you can enter the guild bosses, select the difficulty level and re-enter if the boss killed you.

Guild at Black Desert Mobile