Branch Damage Overview/Guide. Which is the best? Thank you for giving Legit Mobile video link to his channel there's a lot more to it.

Aal DPS Damage Formula (Property Damage Increase 10%)

Aal DPS = Basic Damage × Aal Damage + (1 + Increased Aal Damage (10%)) × (1 + Critical Chance × (Critical Damage-100%))

Labreve DPS Damage Formula (10% chance of critical strike chance)

Labreve DPS = Basic Damage × Labreve Damage × (1 + (Crit chance + 10% increased critical damage chance) × (Crit Damage-100%))

Ahib DPS Damage Formula (10% chance to deal 70% additional damage)

Ahib DPS = base damage × Ahib damage dealt ((1 + Ahib damage bonus increased by 7%) + Critical Chance × (Crit damage-100%))