Daily quests (28.03 – 11.04)

Complete 5 quests every day and get the final reward. Quest description:

  • 1. Pass Earth of Valor 1 time
  • 2. Complete Ancient Ruins 1 time.
  • 3. Complete 3 Solo Bosses
  • 4. Walk the path of glory 1 time
  • 5. Spend 100,000 silver
Black Desert Mobile Event Korea

April Fool's Day (28.03 – 04.04)

When you enter the game, you will have a quest, after completing which you will receive 100 coins for Shakatu, then you will receive the second quest and also 100 coins for Shakatu. After this, quests will be available in your personal fort for 1000 monsters. You can complete the quest for 1000 mobs every day while the event is active.

Black Desert Mobile Event Korea

Daily reward (28.03 – 17.04)

Come in every day and get a reward.

Daily inspection (28.03 – 11.04)

Every day, go into the game and complete the quest, and get the maximum reward. The reward can be increased by 500 white pearls, but be careful, you only increase this day, and not for the entire event period. What quests are:

  • Destroy 4000 Mobs
  • Pass 8 times arena
  • Spend 200 Energy
Black Desert Mobile Event Korea