Dark Knight (29.11 – 05.12)
In the list of events, get the Dark Knight rose, open it, it will have 3 petals and 10 bottles that give experience + 50%, 5% to the special offer and 750LT. Petals can be sent to friends after the update on December 5th.

Mythical set for activity (29.11 – 12.12)
List of quests:
- 1 Spend 10 work points
- 2 Spend 100 coins to Shakatu
- 3 Kill 1000 mobs
- 4 Go solo RB
- 5 Gather the grass 1 time
- 6 Catch 1 fish
- 7 Spend 1000 silver

Feed the black spirit (29.11 – 05.12)
Feed the black spirit and get even more feed. During the week, feed 100, 300, 500 or 800 items to the spirit and get 10, 20, 40 violet feeds or 20 unique feeds.