Cubes (12.10 – 31.10)

Chic event cubes, collect fragments, translate them into cubes, throw the cubes get the award. Fragments can be obtained by killing monsters or collecting resources, as every 2 hours is given one cube.

Event Taiwan

For the passage of a certain number of circles is given an additional reward.

Event Taiwan

Daily activity (12.10 – 02.11)

Come to the game every day and get a reward. From useful this 6 day 100 pearls and 14 day 500 pearls.

Event Taiwan

World Bosses (12.10 – 17.10)

Take part in 8 murders of world bosses and get a reward in the form of 120 fragments of relics.

Personal Fort (12.10 – 17.10)

Reach level 3, 4 or 5 of the Main building and get a reward. If you have already pumped the Main building to level 5, wait for the completion of the event and get a reward after technical work.